Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is my yellowbells bush in bloom and dusted with snow.
Anything this beautiful reminds me of Gods beauty and his miracles.

This is our deck and a place where all our children and grandchildren
gather when there are so many the house will not hold them all.

These are the daffodills blooming. All our fruit trees and bradford pears were budding and
blooming so we will have a short crop of peaches and such this summer.

This is the woods beside my house and the old yellow "dog" as my grandchildren call the bus.

These are the azaleas in front of the house. Thank goodness they were not budding.

This was taken at 7:00 am. By 10:30 it was all gone.
I woke up this morning to a soft one inch blanket of snow. To most of you, especially those from the north, you say big deal. But to us it is a big deal. This is the first snow of the year for us.

We get more ice than we do snow. The conditions have to be perfect for us to get snow. When a rain, or cold front comes from the west and reaches the Mississippi River, the rivers current causes all fronts to go northward and upward. That means that a front has to be really strong to get past the current and reach us. We are usuallly 20 to 40 miles short of the pretty snowfalls.

This morning was spent playing in the snow with our grandchildren and then Church. This afternoon will be spent auditioning fabrics for my encrusted cq class.